You Are Beautiful!

Psalm 139:14

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Friend, as you go through this day today, remember that it is not your day, but God‘s day!  For this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!  No matter what the enemy throws your way, rejoice because it was somehow in God’s plan.  We never know what is waiting for us on the other side of the storm.  Victory?  Joy?  Health?  Healing?  The answer to our prayer(s)?

You are God’s masterpiece, His fine artwork.  When you go around speaking about how unhappy you are with yourself, or how you don’t like something about your face or body, you are putting down the work of God.  If you painted something you thought was absolutely beautiful, how would you like it if someone said, “That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”  When you put other people down, including yourself, you insult God and what He has done.  And something else to remember–God is not finished with you yet! 

Oh, and this is for those of you who are mature!  Throughout the years working with the elderly, I can’t tell you how many female senior citizens said to me, “Oh honey!  If only I could beautiful like you again.”  My response was this:  You are God’s masterpiece–His artwork.  Every wrinkle on your face is another brush-stroke with each passing year…He is adding more beauty upon your face and body–the beauty of wisdom earned!  And when He is finally finished, and you are so perfectly beautiful that He can do no more with you, that’s when He brings you  home so He can see you before Him always.  It is then when He’ll trade in your ‘perfect’ body for an even more perfect one!

Just as a lovely butterfly emerges, from a nasty little worm to a glorious winged beauty, so shall you one day emerge from the cocoon we call flesh.  God has given us each a gift; for some it is outer beauty, for some it is inner and outer beauty, for others, it is a particular talent that God wants to develop for the work of His Kingdom…in His sight, we are all special and dear.

Allow me to ask; if your gift was outer beauty alone, would that be the greatest of all gifts?  For what does a man or woman’s beauty prophet the kingdom of heaven?  Will souls get ‘truly’ saved because you look like a model?  Instead, focus on the inner beauty God has given you and seek out diligently the calling He may have on your life.  Spend the time you have been given upon this earth, each and every moment, doing what you were made to do to begin with–serving God with all of your  heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul.

I have but two more questions for you, and I would like for you to think about them seriously.  Search the depths of your soul; is there anything ugly in your life that you know deep down inside needs to be laid at the feet of Jesus?  If you were told today that you only had two weeks on this earth, what would you change about yourself?  I’m certain your physical flaws are not coming to your mind right now, are they?  We ought to do things that are pleasing in God’s sight; things which radiate beauty when God gazes down upon us.  It is only then that we are truly beautiful! 

So when you wake up tomorrow, after you’ve had your morning shower, look into the mirror; however, instead of wondering how you’re going to fix those ‘physical’ flaws, say, “I am going to be beautiful in God’s eyes today!”




Categories: Christian Living, God's Lovingkindness, Love

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3 replies

  1. Reblogged this on Lyn Leahz and commented:

    Older post from early September. Why am I reblogging? Because, you ARE beautiful!


  1. The Soul Of Man (Me) « Janiese Reveals His Heart
  2. All Things Beautiful, in His Time | Metropolitan Gleanings

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