Red Alert! Economic Collapse Accelerates and SKEW Index Predicts Massacre! MH17 a Diversion of Whats Going On Now!

Red Alert! While everyone is focused on Malaysian Airline 17 the SKEW Index is predicting a global meltdown of the economy!

What is the Skew Index?

“The CBOE Skew IndexSM – referred to as “SKEW” – is an option-based indicator that measures the perceived tail risk of the distribution of S&P 500® log returns at a 30-day horizon. Tail risk is the risk associated with an increase in the probability of outlier returns, returns two or more standard deviations below the mean. Think stock market crash, or black swan. This probability is negligible for a normal distribution, but can be significant for distributions which are skewed and have fat tails. As illustrated in the chart below, the distribution of S&P 500 log returns has a sizeable left tail. This makes it riskier than a normal distribution with the same mean and the same volatility. SKEW quantifies the additional risk.”

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4 replies

  1. If we have a “Halloween Effect” ending with April, what would a “May Day Effect” involve? This stuff never ends

  2. Not at the moment because it’s the 3rd year of the Presidential Election Year Cycle ( and the ‘Halloween Effect’ just started. So we shall see a bullish economy from October 2014 to April 2015. After April next year, we might see the declining of stock market by 10% to 30%. By the way, I don’t stand with Israel because Zionism is rooted from the Pharisees ( and


  1. Red Alert! Economic Collapse Accelerates and SKEW Index Predicts Massacre! MH17 a Diversion of Whats Going On Now! | necltr

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