‘Kids, don’t forget to make your gender choice’

California on edge of freeing students from their anatomy

Gender Choice

wnd.com | July 31, 2013

Instead of only announcements about clubs, classes and curriculum to start a school day, students in California soon may be allowed to decide what gender they would like to be that day.

The California legislature has passed AB 1266 that would require all public schools to allow youths to choose whatever restrooms, locker rooms, sports teams, and other gender-based portions of the school in which they would like to participate.

Eighth grade teacher Valerie Vislay Jones said the bill sounds like a nightmare, especially for girls.

“Bathroom breaks are chaotic enough! This brings on a whole host of new discipline problems. And what about that time of the month? I can see boys using the girls’ restroom just to be funny, and then there would be no privacy for the girls. Adolescent boys do not understand the whole menstruation thing anyway, and adolescent girls do NOT want boys to know that they menstruate. Way to make adolescence even more confusing.”

She continued, “What adolescent boy wouldn’t love to get into the girls’ locker room?”

As a teacher, she said this would be an enforcement disaster.

“I have enough to keep track of in the morning, then to add this. Now, my morning would include this phrase, ‘Don’t forget to make your lunch choice and gender choice.’”

She added, “Why does our culture insist on letting children make important decisions or have a say in everything.”

Is there a model that could work, without letting school children choose their own gender identities, with no guidance from teachers, school administrators, or parents?

Larry Lunt of New York says no. He remembers being in high school and thinks this is a recipe for disaster.

“Does this mean that teenage boys with raging hormones will be free to say ‘I’m a girl today’ and use the girls’/womens’ restrooms/locker rooms, etc.? That’s absurd.”

David Henderson, from Anondale, Va., thinks the new law would be discriminatory to boys, “I can honestly say that I would have declared myself a female for the day if I could go into the girl’s locker room. My raging teenage hormones would have left me no choice.”

In Europe, for example, they will have mixed locker facilities, but they include a row of “changing rooms,” so one can always step into a changing stall and change privately. They are set up for a level of privacy. The new bill passed by the California legislature will not include such protections from harassment, objectification, and molestation.

WND has reported on the redefinition of gender bias based on the politically correct elite who sponsor bills like the one to name LGBT couples who cannot conceive “infertile.”

WND also brought the story of California students receiving free cars for attendance. And then there is the story of California students drafted to promote Obamacare to their own families.

But random anatomy selection for children, whether they are six or 17, is a new one, even for California leftists. Some, who believe anatomy is a static matter, are up in arms.

Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute said the law is in direct violation of the principle of protecting children. He says this is all about appeasing the vocal and powerful LGBT lobby.

Jack Watts, a Christian author and culture critic agrees.

“The real war is not on women, but on men, particularly young boys. By purposefully obscuring the lines of their male identity, we will be creating a nation of sexually confused men who will be unable to sustain a male-female relationship,” he said. “The only winners will be divorce lawyers.”

This bill comes as California is already losing population. Census data showed that since 1990, the state has lost almost 3.4 million people to other states. California is the only state not replacing its own population, and about 225,000 leave each year. More conservative states like Texas and North Carolina are inheriting the disgruntled Californians.

Leon O’Dell is one of those former California residents, and he said that this bill only validates his decision to have left the state years ago.

“This entire sick scenario makes me glad I left my home state. I have no desire to return there. California is the laughing stock and an embarrassment,” he said.

Jim Bellano, a former assistant professor of political science at Western University, said that the California Legislature has “redefined the ‘ABC’s’ and the ’3 R’s’ of education to ‘LGBT.’ Will the signs on the bathrooms and locker rooms be replaced with rip-a-way daily calendars?”

Matthew McReynolds, an attorney for Pacific Justice Foundation, is one of those who tried to fight the bill. He said the legislation has many shortcomings, and that it completely disregards the privacy of the students who are not transgender, or “gender-questioning.”

He argued that “these students (and their parents) have reasonable expectations that they will not be forced to share intimate spaces with members of the opposite biological and anatomical gender.”

McReynolds contends that “there are no safeguards whatsoever in the legislation that would allow responsible adults, including coaches, teachers, chaperones, school administrators and others to act in the best interests of all students.”

“Even the most liberal politician should see that allowing boys and girls as young as five, or as astute as 17, to be able to pick and choose which gender’s bathroom to use is outrageous.”

Some found the legislation so “out there” that they made jokes in response to the proposal.

Nick Kasoff, a political analyst from St. Louis, Mo., referenced the news on Anthony Weiner, “the big question is, will Carlos Danger move to California and try to pass as a high school student?”

Clarence Walls considers himself a political observer, and he had this observation of the California legislation: “Stupidity, like morality, has no gender.”

The bill is awaiting the governor’s signature.

But it’s a long way from the first gender outrage adopted in California.

In fact, the Pacific Justice Institute has launched a site, GenderInsanity.com, to bring attention to California’s actions.

Earlier moves in California include SB 48, who requires positive portrayals of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in class.

Others cited by the pro-family SaveCalifornia.com as being on a radical sex agenda include:

  • SB 543, signed by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010, “allows school staff to remove children ages 12 and up from government schools and taken off-campus for counseling sessions, without parental permission or involvement.”
  • ACR 82, approved by the California Legislature in 2010, “creates de facto ‘morality-free zones’ at participating schools (pre-kindergarten through public universities). Schools that become official ‘Discrimination-Free Zones’ will ‘enact procedures’ (including mandatory counseling) against students from pre-kindergarten on up who are accused of ‘hate,’ ‘intolerance,’ or ‘discrimination.’” The definition of “hate” includes peacefully speaking or writing against the unnatural lifestyles choices of homosexuality and bisexuality.
  • SB 572, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2009, establishes “Harvey Milk Day” in K-12 California public schools and community colleges. In classrooms, schools and school districts that participate, children are taught to admire the life and values of late homosexual activist and teen predator Harvey Milk of San Francisco in the month of May.
  • SB 777, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, prohibits all public school instruction and every school activity from “promoting a discriminatory bias” against (effectively requiring positive depictions of) transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality to schoolchildren as young as five years old.
  • AB 394, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, effectively promotes transsexual, bisexual and homosexual indoctrination of students, parents and teachers via “anti-harassment” and “anti-discrimination” materials, to be publicized in classrooms and assemblies, posted on walls, incorporated into curricula on school websites, and distributed in handouts to take home.
  • SB 71, signed by Gov. Gray Davis in 2003 and implemented in 2008 through the new “sexual health” standards approved by appointees of Schwarzenegger and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, teaches children as young as fifth grade that any consensual sexual behavior is “safe” as long as you “protect” yourself with a condom, and teaches children that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality is “normal.”
  • AB 1785, signed by Davis in 2000, required the California State Board of Education to alter the state curriculum frameworks to include and require “human relations education” for children in K-12 public schools, with the aim of “fostering an appreciation of the diversity of California’s population and discouraging the development of discriminatory attitudes and practices,” according to the state legislative counsel’s digest.
  • AB 537, signed by Davis in 1999, permits teachers and students to openly proclaim and display their homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality, even permitting cross-dressing teachers, school employees and student on campus, in classrooms, and in restrooms.

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Categories: Bible Prophecy, US News

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10 replies

  1. I personally believe everyone should have their own shower stall to prevent anyone from seeing another student naked regardless of the gender. But they don’t want to do that because it would cost too much to create a decent environment for our children to change in. After all they need that money to fund the NASA space program and the already bloated military budget. I always hear people whine about transgender boys in the girls change room but i never hear so much as a peep about the gay boys in the boys change room. Why is that?

  2. Deliberate, Alinsky-like confusion and tumult to degrade society….they will PAY one day….

  3. This is the nonsense of lunatics just knocking down civilization merely to see it fall over. It has no basis in any sort of “progress,” freedom or actual science.

    It’s the fallout from people getting bogus degrees in worse-than-merely-dubious subjects such as “human sexuality.”

    Such pseudointellectuals are in a race to see who can one-up their contemporaries by challenging the most basic concepts of life. I can’t wait until they challenge the idea that we breathe oxygen. Maybe then, they’ll all finally die off.

  4. So they change the entire law to pander to the bizarre whims of an insignificantly small 0.00001% of the population who have gender identity problems and totally ignore the massive majority of kids who may hate the idea of someone of the opposite sex being able to use their restrooms. Clearly if you are normal, your concerns are utterly irrelevent in this new politically correct world of insanity.

    This is insane, simply insane. I am sure that the Brits will be doing the same very very soon.

  5. Thanks for bringing this issue to light for so many people who don’t realize how messed the Golden State really is. I hate living here and am trying desperately to move away when my wife graduates next May. I’m so glad my kids are all done with school and through university already. I would hate to be in the middle of this mess today.

    • Amen to that.. however, be it known, this very thing is spreading to all the states, like wildfire. Our only escape is going to be when the trumpet (shofar) blows… America will never, ever be the same again… Thank God Satan and the kingdom of hell will someday soon be defeated!

  6. I am sorry, Wil. I had to delete the video, as it contained offensive and inappropriate material. God bless you, and sorry about that.

    • I’m the one who is Sorry Lyn, can you take the all comment away..as I see mistakes and doesn’t make much sense.. …Please…

      • No problem. Don’t run yourself in the mud for it..it was just a comment.. you probably weren’t thinking. I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself..we all do. I’m not mad at you.. That’s one of the reasons for moderating… so it didn’t get posted. Please don’t worry about it. Love you in Christ, Wil.


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